Application Process
Application Process
HEF Grant Application Process: 2025-2026
The Foundation seeks grants that enhance the excellence of the Hastings Public School system. We welcome grants for all areas of the curriculum, including extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Grants may also cover staff and curriculum development, including support for implementation. We cannot fund travel or meals. Coordination with the administration is essential and must be demonstrated in the grant application. Grants will be announced and awarded in the spring. All awardees are required to submit an evaluation form at the end of the school year.
Grant proposals are evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Potential impact across grade, department, or school
- Integration into the school program
- Demonstration of long-term benefits of the project
- Innovation and originality
- Plan for evaluating effectiveness of project
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
- Budget
Please note our schedule:
- February 24, 2025: All applications due in Principal’s office no later than 3pm
- March 3, 2025: Applications approved by Principal to be forwarded to the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
- March 10, 2025: Applicants approved by Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction forwarded to Superintendent
- March 17, 2025: Applications approved by Superintendent forwarded to
HEF Grants Committee - April/May 2025: Grants awarded by HEF forwarded to School Board for approval
Have you received a HEF Grant?
Please fill out this Grant Evaluation Form.
Board Member Contacts
Grants Committee
Please contact a member of the Grants Committee if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you and receiving some wonderful proposals.
Laura Owens (Co-Chair)
Kanchan Kinkade (Co-Chair)
Rebecca Brower
Michelle Greenwald
Estelle Motika Loren
Marisa Mulvihill
Malaika Sundberg
HEF School Liaisons
If you have a great idea for your classroom and would like some quick feedback, do not hesitate to reach out to one of the HEF School Liaisons listed below. They are available to answer questions, provide feedback, and support teachers navigate the grants process.
Hillside ES • Estelle Motika Loren
Farragut MS • Kanchan Kinkade
Hastings HS • Marisa Mulvihill